

Environmental test chambers, also known as temperature and humidity environment chamber, climate chamber, is commonly used in laboratories and factories for environmental simulation systems and devices. Environmental test chamber can simulate temperature, humidity, air pressure, light, vibration, corrosion and other different environmental conditions. The test chamber is usually composed of control system, heating system, refrigeration system, humidity control system, air pressure control system, lighting system, vibration system, corrosion system and so on. According to the test requirements, different environmental parameters can be selected for adjustment to simulate the required environmental conditions. There are many kinds of environment boxes. For people who are not familiar with environment boxes and who buy them for the first time, choosing environment boxes is a very headache. Therefore, through this article, I will help you to understand how to choose the right temperature and humidity environment room? In addition, if you want to know more about the standards and applications of temperature and humidity boxes, you can contact our company's technical staff. We will give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible.

1. テスト要件


2. 温度範囲の選択



Select the appropriate humidity range according to the test requirements. Some test chambers can simulate very high humidity (such as 95%RH or higher), while others are suitable for very dry environments (such as 0%RH) where the higher the temperature, the lower the relative humidity for the same absolute moisture content. For example, the absolute moisture content is 5g/kg, and when the temperature is 29℃, the relative humidity is 20%RH. When the temperature is 6°C, the relative humidity is 90% RH. When the temperature drops below 4℃ and the relative humidity exceeds 100%, condensation will occur in the box. The temperature index of environmental test chamber at home and abroad is generally 20~98%RH or 30~98%RH. If the constant temperature and humidity box does not have a dehumidification system, the temperature ranges from 60 to 98%. The chamber can only be used for high humidity tests, but it is much cheaper. It is important to note that the humidity indicator should be followed by the corresponding temperature range or minimum dew point temperature. Because relative humidity is directly related to temperature.

4. 制御精度

The control precision of environmental test chamber has important influence on the accuracy and reliability of test results. The appropriate control precision needs to be selected according to the test requirements. Usually, the more accurate the control, the higher the price of the equipment. The relative humidity deviation of environmental test chamber should be ±2%RH or ±3%RH. In order to meet the requirements of temperature control accuracy, the temperature fluctuation is generally less than ±0.2℃; otherwise, it is difficult to meet the requirements of humidity control accuracy


関連する規格によると、環境試験を実施する場合、温度と湿度の試験ボックス内の風速は1.7m / s未満である必要があります。しかし、急速な温度変化試験室と温度、湿度、振動、および包括的な環境試験室のその他の要因が必要な場合は、タンク内の循環空気の流量を高速化します。風速は通常2~3m/sです。ほとんどの一般的な試験要件では、環境試験室内の風速は一般に0.5 m / sから2.5 m / sの間であり、この範囲の風速はほとんどの試験要件を満たすことができます。たとえば、電子および電気製品のテストの場合、一般的な風速範囲は0.5 m / s〜1.5 m / sです。自動車部品の試験では、一般的な風速範囲は1.5m/sから2.5m/sです。
