


The field of vibration testing requires very high reliability and accuracy of equipment. Electrodynamic shaker play an important role in industries ranging from aerospace to automotive, electronics, and research. To ensure that the electrodynamic shaker systems consistently delivers accurate results, a good maintenance plan must be strictly implemented.
This article will guide you through the maintenance process of your electrodynamic shaker to help you avoid unplanned downtime and expensive repairs. We will tell you when and how to perform maintenance to keep your test equipment in top condition.
By following good maintenance practices, you can ensure that the shaker continues to operate reliably and accurately, providing reliable data support for your test work.
Next we will discuss the daily maintenance and maintenance of the electrodynamic shaker systems, including general maintenance and Water cooled electrodynamic shaker , air cooled electrodynamic shaker should pay attention to matters


1. Regular inspection: Daily visual inspection for loose parts, cables, and connections to ensure that the electrodynamic shaker is on a stable surface.
2. Periodically check the calibration of the control test level: items (e.g. accelerometers) to ensure that they are calibrated and working properly.
3. Monthly inspection: Check power cord wear, verify control Settings and software functions, oil and water supply, lubricate moving parts if necessary.
4. Quarterly maintenance: Calibrate vibration level to ensure accuracy, check cooling system for dust and debris, check rubber seat and isolation pad.
5. Annual overhaul: Replace worn parts such as bearings and springs, verify the alignment balance of the shaker, check the user manual for specific recommendations.
6. Lifting equipment: Adequate lifting equipment must be provided for the installation of payloads and maintenance of Electrodynamic shaker system.
7. Cleanliness: The equipment and all surrounding areas should be kept as clean as possible. Keep the vibrator clean at all times, as debris can damage the top seal and, if sucked into the vibrator body, cause an electrical short circuit that can damage the vibrator.



Because the fuselage will gradually heat up, the standard water-cooled electrodynamic shakers is not suitable for continuous operation. The JOEO shaker system has an optional body cooling function for continuous operation.


The flow rate and temperature of raw water supplied to the cooling unit should always meet specifications. Failure to do so will cause the system to trip because the cooling coil cannot expel all the heat. The cooling water tank must be filled at all times, otherwise the vibrator and cooling unit may be damaged.
When the cooling unit is located above or below the vibrator, special consideration needs to be given to how the water and oil return from the vibrator.
  • シェーカーの下:シェーカーから吸い上げられる可能性があります。
  • シェーカーの上:オイルの清掃が必要です。給油ホースが異常に長い場合は、オイルの掃気も考慮する必要があります。



If the vibrator is operated in a dirty, dusty environment, the vents may become clogged, resulting in impaired vibrator cooling.
If the vibrator is operated at high temperatures (above 30°C), the vibrator coils will overheat at full strength. The colder the air, the longer the vibrator will last. If the temperature cannot be kept below 30°C, the rated power of the vibrator should be reduced.


Hose length should be as short as possible. If the standard supplied hose length is considered too short, our engineering team should be consulted about the requirements for long pipe lengths. It is worth noting that long pipes increase the pressure drop of the fan, which limits the flow of air to the vibrator.
Bent or damaged cooling hoses can cause less air to flow to the vibrator, resulting in higher operating temperatures and shorter vibrator life.


The air supply shall comply with ISO 8573-1: 1.7.1, with a maximum particle size of 0.01 micron and a residual oil content of 0.01 ppm. If necessary, install a water or oil separator.
Especially in cases where the air compressor may be turned off at night, consider installing a safety switch to ensure that the vibrator cannot operate without an air supply.

JOEO Service team can provide full maintenance support for your electrodynamic shaker systems. Our professional team has extensive experience in providing preventive maintenance services for your shaker and regularly checking, cleaning and calibrating the equipment to ensure it is in optimal working condition. Feel free to contact us and let us help you with your vibration test.

